Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Architecture-Design House

Yesterday an architecture called Kris Wilson came and talked to us about sustainable and evnviromentally friendly buildings and structures.
It was really interesting and we learned alot about what we will need on our island. If you want to build a house or something it is best to use low energy items. That means that there should be not so much effort put into things I think!!
Solar panelling is a good idea and also grey water systems which are not so popular as normal water products. When you are on a bulding site you collect a lot of waste like timber cut offs and blocks you didnt need. This is not goos for the enviroment and sometimes can cause pollution.
Here is a picture of a house that Kris designed. Pretty cool.

Lilrocsta :)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Solar Paneling

Yay I finally worked out how solar paneling works and it makes a lot more sense!
here is a small diagram to show that the suns rays hit the panels and they give energy to the battery and the battery gives out electricity to the appliances e.g cell phine chargers, laptops, t.vs, fans and things like that. If you had heaps of panels you could probably run a fridge/freezer!
Lilrocsta :)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Here is my abodo. I love the roof and the colour and is is fully insulated and perfect for me to live in.

Cool Games

I just found this website on the computer and it has heaps of cool energy effiecent game for kids to play. Here is the link : earth peace

Monday, May 25, 2009

My Job

On the island i am now officially a natural pharmacist. I haven't worked out the proper name for it yet but that sounds professional enough at the moment. For my job i will have to research plants and healing thing naturally. Like if you had a migraine you could get some basil oil, put in a bowl with boiling water then put a towel over your head then sit there for 10 minutes your migraine could possibly be clear. I would also look for old Maori treatments from plants and trees.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The materials

Matai Islands

On our island we all have to have jobs. Here are a list of jobs that i will choose from:

1. Mayor
2. Builder
3. Artist
4. Grocer
5. Interior designer
6. Arcitect
7. Postie/courier
8.Boat builders
10. Cow milker
11. vet
13. Nurse
14. Electrician
15. Plumber
16. Gas fitter
17. Fruit pickers
18. Policeman
19. Ambulance drivers
20.Fire Fighters
21. Bank Manager
25. Secruity Guard

I hope to apply for the interior designer job to design the look of the houses and buildings. I would design eco-friendly thingys but styly aswell as affordable and modern.
